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"Choosing the Right Machine” (Erosion Control: Nov/Dec 2018)

Erosion Control Magazine article highlighting the success of several projects with the proper hydroseeding equipment and Profile’s products.

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Notable Golf Course Project Map

View a list of Profile's Notable Golf Course Projects on a Global Map.

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West River Parkway Slope Repairs (Land and Water: Jan/Feb 2017)

Multi-agency teamwork, correct material choices keys to success in Minnesota high-risk erosion control project.

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High-Stakes Erosion Control on the Panama Canal (Erosion Control: Jan/Feb 2017)

Erosion Control article featuring Profile’s role in meeting a massive challenge on the Panama Canal expansion project.

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Designed to Withstand the Rain

The Foley Sports Tourism Complex stays playable with a sand cap utilizing Profile Porous Ceramic Greens Grade.

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