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Flexterra HP-FGM CSI Specifications - Vietnamese
CSI Specifications

View/download the Flexterra HP-FGM CSI Specifications - Vietnamese.

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Flexterra HP-FGM Datasheet - French

Flexterra® HP-FGM™ est un substrat de croissance flexible complètement biodégradable à haut rendement (HP-FGM)

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ET-FGM, HP-FGM, BFM, SMM Application Guide - Spanish
Application Guide

To download the ET-FGM, HP-FGM, BFM, SMM Application Guide – Spanish, click the link.

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ProMatrix EFM Datasheet - French

ProMatrix™ Engineered Fiber Matrix™ (EFM™) est 100 % biodegradable et composée de fibres de bois vierges 100% recyclées, raffinées thermiquement de fibres biodégradables enchevêtrées et crêpées, des biopolymères réticulés et des absorbants d'eau.

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ProGanics BSM Metric Application Guide – Spanish
Application Guide

To download the ProGanics BSM Metric Application Guide – Spanish, click the link.

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ProMatrix Brochure - Russian

Click the link to download the ProMatrix Brochure – Russian.

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ProGanics Brochure - Spanish

ProGanics Brochure - Spanish

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