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Phase 3 (1 Year Later) ProGanics Progressive Case Study
Case Studies

ProGanics™ Biotic Soil Media™ Residential Development/Soil Modification Case Study: Phase 3 (1 Year Later) — ProGanics Biotic Soil Media Helps Turn Neglected Site Green Again

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Coal-Fired Power Plant ProGanics Case Study
Case Studies

Coal-Fired Power Plant Case Study: ProGanics Replaces Topsoil at Large Power Plant

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ProGanics BSM Metric Application Guide – Spanish
Application Guide

To download the ProGanics BSM Metric Application Guide – Spanish, click the link.

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ProGanics Datasheet – French

ProGanics™ Biotic Soil Media™ (BSM™) est conçu comme alternative à la terre végétale pour accélérer le développement des sols et des substrats épuisés et pauvres en matière organique et en nutriments, où l’activité biologique est limitée.

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ProGanics Outperformed Leading Biotic Soil Amendment (BSA) Products
Proof Points

Learn how ProGanics outperformed leading Biotic Soil Amendment (BSA) products for Total Percent Cover and Total Biomass.

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