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Spray It. Don't Spread It! Biotic Soil Technology Rebate
Proof Points

Contractors: Earn up to $300 per ton when you switch to Profile® ProGanics®, ProGanics® DUAL™ or Profile® HE All in One.

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ProGanics BSM CSI Specifications
CSI Specifications

View/download the ProGanics BSM CSI Specifications.

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Success Story (GCM China: Sept/Oct 2015) - Chinese

Flexterra HP-FGM helped protect newly redesigned bunkers while providing good conditions for turf establishment at award-winning course.

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Success Story (GCM China: Sept/Oct 2015)

Flexterra HP-FGM helped protect newly redesigned bunkers while providing good conditions for turf establishment at award-winning course.

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ProGanics BSM Metric Application Guide
Application Guide

ProGanics BSM Metric Application Guide

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