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PPC Product Sheet
Product Sheet

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Profile vs. Peat Brochure

Download the Profile vs. Peat Brochure.

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Product Solutions Guide

Profile Golf™ offers a portfolio of proven products designed to establish, maintain and improve the turf and surrounding vegetation on every part of your course.

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Golf Course Construction and Remodeling Brochure

Whether renovating your greens or building a course from the ground up, Profile® offers a comprehensive line of products to ensure the long-term success of your project.

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A World of Firsts at Adare Manor (By Design: Summer 2017)
Case Studies

Adare Manor Golf Course has just undergone one of the most extensive renovations in the history of Irish golf.

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Soil Testing is the Key to Project Success

Take advantage of a FREE soil test from

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Profile’s 5 Fundamentals

Profile’s 5 Fundamentals take the guesswork out of the crucial decisions that need to be made and will ultimately benefit both you—and—your customers.

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